Chemical database: Calcium carbonate
Calcium carbonate is a salt which comes in form of a white solid, at standard conditions. It is very common in nature since it occurs in form of widespread minerals (for example, calcite and aragonite). It is also the main part of shells of various organisms such as snails, seashells and so on. This compund is commonly used in civil engineering, in the production of iron, as a supplement (acts as an antacid), in the production of ceramics, in enviromental engineering (it can increase the pH of acidic waters). Calcium carbonate can easily be found in form of marble and limestone, which can be powdered mechanically if one needs such calcium carbonate. The shells of various marine organisms are also a good source of this compound. Cuttlebones, which are nowadays primaraly used as a source of calcium for various pets, are also mostly composed of calcium carbonate, i.e. aragonite.
Acetic acid |