Nakon čitanja nekoliko rasprava, ni ja nisam naišao na išta konkretno. Vidio sam da se spominju sve tri metode koje si spomenuo, ali malo je informacija o rezultatima tih postupaka. Evo ipak nekoliko citata koji bi mogli biti od koristi:
Howdy, it is well known that aqueous formaldehyde solutions can be obtained by thermal or acid catalyzed depolymerization of paraformaldehyde. So I made a quick experiment: 5 g paraformaldehyde, 10 ml H2O and 1 ml MeOH were put in a tightly closed Teflon container and heated overnight at 100°C. Result: a suspension with considerable amounts of solid. The experiment was repeated at 150°C. Result: a clear solution with lovely formaldehyde smell, though less intense than anticipated.
4 g paraformaldehyde, 6 g water in Teflon container, 36 h at 100°C. Opened while still warm - got a clear solution with very minor amounts of brown solid decomposition products at bottom (probably dirt from Teflon container). Added 1 ml MeOH to obtain ~36% formalin. On pH 1-14 paper only very slightly more acidic than distilled H2O (maybe pH 5-6? Hard to say.). I will store it a few weeks at RT and see how stable it is. Smell is quite strong, at least when warm, but not even close to say 30% aq. ammonia.
Vidio sam da se na par mjesta spominje
ova knjiga (Formaldehyde - J. Frederic Walker), tako da u njoj možda također ima korisnih informacija u vezi depolimerizacije.