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Knowledge database: Basics: About chemistry

Chemistry is a science that studies the substances of which the universe is made. It examines their structure and properties, as well as their internal structure. Chemistry also studies the changes of matter. It is important to note that through a chemical reaction the composition of matter is significantly altered, while through the process of physical change, the chemical composition isn't altered.

There are many specialized fields of chemistry, and here we will mention only the ones that are most important:

Inorganic chemistry, studies all chemical substances, including many that contain carbon.

Organic chemistry studies the substances that contain carbon, among them those that are integral parts of the organic world.

Analytical chemistry is an area of chemistry that deals with the study of chemical and physical processes which can be used to determine the qualitative and quantitative chemical composition of the investigated substance(s).

Physical chemistry studies the interdependence of physical and chemical change, and is greatly related to the areas of inorganic and organic chemistry.

chemistry tutorials - chemical technology

Chemical technology studies methods and devices that are used for the production of organic and inorganic substances that are necessary for various human activities. On the pictures above, one can see examples of large chemical plants, which are based on the knowledge of chemical technology.

Biochemistry is the study of matter and chemical reactions in living organisms. It is closely linked to many other areas of chemistry.

Nuclear chemistry deals with the study of reactions involving the atomic nuclei (as opposed to other fields of chemistry, which mostly study the reactions of atoms or molecules).


   About chemistry
   Periodic table of elements
   Atoms and molecules
   Types of matter
   Physical / chemical properties
   States of matter
   Melting and boiling point
   Separation methods
   Oxidation states
   Ionization energy
   Electron affinity
   Chemical bonds

Basic laws of chemistry


Chemical reactions

Chemical equilibrium